Everyone's favorite chipmunks - Alvin, Simon and Theodore - are back in this computer-animated version of the classic animated series. The brothers are famous rock stars who tour around the world with their best friends, the Chipettes - Brittany, Jeanette, and Eleanor.
The boys' father, Dave, writes their songs and tries to keep them in line - both on and off the stage.
Alvin, the leader of the fraternal group, is always coming up with crazy schemes that often get him and his brothers in trouble.
Oldest brother Simon is the smart one, using his intelligence to keep the group safe.
Theodore may be the youngest of the three brothers, but he frequently comes up with powerful words of wisdom.


Alvin is the original "Go Big or Go Home" guy. He’s an emotional roller coaster – as his enthusiasm is boundless and his despair bottomless. The term “look before you leap” does not apply to Alvin, who is energetic, impulsive, charming, musical, and full of animal magnetism.

In addition to having an IQ just north of Einstein’s, Simon possesses a very dry sense of humor as well as keen wit. His Chess Master mind allows him to anticipate the inevitable disaster of Alvin’s harebrained schemes as well as devise the solution.
If Theodore was a food, he’d be a Hershey’s Kiss. He’s sweet, soft, and melts in your heart. Theodore is the baby of the group. He’s shy, loving, sensitive, gullible, trusting, and naïve. In short, he is an easy target for Alvin’s manipulations.

If the Chipettes were Destiny’s Child, Brittany would be Beyoncé. While she is no astronomer, she’s pretty sure the world revolves around her. Though she may appear self centered, emotional, vain, and self-absorbed (which she is), when push comes to shove, she will ultimately do the right thing.
She often is so caught up in contemplating the universe that she forgets the simple matters of life, like not tripping over her own feet. She’s more interested in leaving a zero carbon footprint than having her socks match, and unlike her sister Brittany, Jeanette knows she’s not her looks.

Eleanor is spirited, outgoing, athletic and extremely “Can do". With a doily and a ball of yarn, she can out craft Martha Stewart. She’s the most popular of her sisters, with friends in every social circle. While Eleanor is the chubbiest of the three, she embraces “living large” and is a mini Olympian in any sport.